Hello! Welcome to my blog! This blog, along with my website, was started as a way for me to reach out to parents, professionals and university students in the field of education, Deaf education, Deaf Studies, American Sign Language learning and interpreting. My goal is for this website and blog to bring you, the reader, value. I will be posting on a wide variety of topics related to my main topics. Through my blog I will strive to keep you up to date, bring you information you can use today, and share a laugh or two along the way. I also believe that people working in teams can accomplish so much more than any one individual alone. I am a huge advocate of people serving people, sharing resources, connecting families and professionals.
Therefore, I would like to invite you to email me with questions, ideas and content that I can post to my blog. The more we support each other, the more we can be allies with, for and to Deaf children, their families and professionals. So send in those questions, comments, links, blogs, vlogs, articles and more with me! I am honored to be able to pass them on to others via this website/blog. And to stay up to date subscribe to the blog and you'll never miss an entry. Thank you so much for your support! Together we are more!